Goodbye Manual Processes, Hello Automation Certificate Lifecycle Management Like It’s Supposed to Be

At the heart of every story lies a villain and a hero. In the never-ending story of certificate lifecycle management, there’s no bigger villain than manual effort. Destructive, irrepressible, and risk-laden, this villain causes nothing but mayhem and loss. Automation, the hero, is the complete opposite of manual effort. Proactive, solution-oriented, and breach-proof, this hero deserves recognition, allegiance, and attention, yet they get none of that from a majority of today’s organizations. It’s time for a script change. Here’s why you should automate your certifi...


  How Can Your Data Be Stolen Online?

In 2019, according to Statista, nearly 165 million sensitive records were exposed in the US due to data breaches. Unfortunately, data theft is not going anywhere. Hackers are using increasingly sophisticated methods to steal information, but thankfully there are measures you can take to ensure your data stays safe. Here are some of the most common ways people get their data stolen online and how you can take precautions against the methods cybercriminals use.Human ErrorHacking is one of the most common ways people get their data stolen online. But it is often due to online users making errors ...


  What is encryption? Its role in the modern age

“Messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted.” If you are a WhatsApp user, you must have read this statement at the top of chats you open. Now, what does it mean? The statement signifies that all the messages or voice notes shared between users are encrypted, and no one can read or listen in on them.As mostly all of us use messaging apps and emails, information security has become a major concern. Moreover, we don’t know how many digital footprints we leave on the web can be tracked and used against us. We expose most of the details without even realizing it. For instance, by...


  Cybersecurity | The New Dangers That Lurk Online and Their Solutions

(Image source: Pexels)Data is one of the most important things to us. While robbers that steal valuables like laptops, phones, or money are still a threat, cybercrimes are also more dangerous than ever. That’s because your data is far more valuable than you might think.Companies benefit from users’ data by applying it for their indexing, marketing, and accumulation needs. They actively use this information to sell you more products.Have you ever visited Amazon and instantly got a recommendation for a product you’ve searched for in the past?While this might sound like a conven...

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  How to Prevent a Data Breach: Guide For Businesses

The consequences of a data breach are nothing to joke about. From reputation damage to regulatory fines, it is a disaster for any business. So you should always strive to do your best to prevent it. But with so many steps to take, where do you even begin?Businesses of all shapes and sizes should follow this 8-step approach:1. Outline Your AssetsYour assets, whether digital or physical, should always remain in your sight. It should be the very first step you take.Picture anything that might represent a risk and start from there. Include every laptop or smart device, not to mention your websites...

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  How to Encrypt Your Online Conversations

Do you ever get the feeling that somebody might be listening to or reading your private conversations? You're not crazy. Online platforms don’t hide that they use data from chats, searches, emails, and other places for targeted advertisements. Aside from being a massive invasion of privacy, it also puts your security at risk. But it is possible to prevent people from snooping on you. All you need is a little encryption. Check out these different ways you can add encryption into your life right now. TextingOn average, people send and receive 94 text messages per day. It inc...

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  Recent Online Scams You Need to Know About

It’s easy to forget that the internet is a dangerous place and that it’s easy to become a victim. Everyone wants to think that they’re too smart to fall for online scams or obvious fraud. Yet actions speak louder than words, and 97% of people still struggle to identify a phishing scam. Awareness is critical in beating the cybercriminals. So here are examples of the latest online scams and tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of similar attacks.What are Online Scams?Online scams come in many different forms but generally originate from one of four platforms: email, SMS, webs...

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  How to password protect a Winzip file

Winzip files are great ways of sharing documents and images of large sizes over the web or through email, since their reduced size makes it possible for them to be sent and received. Also, it is easier to manage one attachment than multiple. But what if the file contains sensitive information you don’t want snoopers to see? Simply add a password protection in Winzip. Adding a password will ensure more security and reliability of the transported files.How to add a Password to your Zip FilesBelow are some methods of creating a password to protect the confidentiality of a zip file:Make use ...