Install Open webOS on Linux

HP has just released its first beta version of the webOS, It is said the user experience of webOS is quite impressive, so I immediately had it installed on my PC. There are two versions of Beta release,one embedded version and one Ubuntu version. I briefly share my installation experience of webOS in Linux.In the official document, it says "By 'Linux' we mean 'Ubuntu Linux'", it doesn't support server version and 64 bit version of Ubuntu. Here I use Mint 13.1. Clone source code from githubAddress : https://github.com/openwebos/build-desktopgit command :1git clone https://github.com/openwebos/b...


  Understand diff in Unix

diff is an important tool program in Unix. It is used to compare differences of two files, it is the foundation for code version control. If you type :$ diff <file_before_change> <file_after_change>diff will tell you what's the difference between these two files. The result may not be so easy to understand, so now I will show you how to understand diff.1. 3 formats of diffdiff has 3 formats due to historic reasons.normal diffcontext diffunified diff2. Demo filesFor easy demonstration, we create 2 demo files.The first one is f1, it has 7 lines of a in it.aaaaaaaThe second file is f2...


  Samsung will release 10.1 inch Windows RT Tablet

Today, Samsung not only announced Galaxy Note â…¡, first Windows Phone 8 device Ativ S and camera EK-GC100 Galaxy equipped with Android 4.1 system, but also announced a Windows RT Tablet PC Samsung Ativ Tab.The 10.1-inch Samsung Ativ Tab has a resolution of 1366 x 768,1.5 GHz dual-core processor, 2G RAM, a 32/64G storage space, support for microSD memory expansion. Other configurations as well as the standard Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0, support for USB 2.0, uHDMI and NFC.In addition, the tablet is also equipped with a 8200mAh large capacity battery, weight 762g, thickness of 9.9mm. Running Wi...


  Some measures for improving Linux server security

The hackers often exploit server weakness to gain access control to some servers. With a scanner, aimlessly looking undefended host, backdoor, control, and sold to people in need.Some basic security measures can be taken on Linux servers to avoid being attacked by hackers.Disable root remote loginAs the default administrative account, root is the account which is most likely to be attacked.Disabling ssh remote login is necessary.Method:Edit / etc / ssh / sshd_configPermitRootLogin no At the same time, create a personal account for administrator, and assign it to sudoers user group (default is%...


  My frequently used Linux commands

In our day to day work. We may have many chances working on Linux/Unix systems. There are many things we may need to do, checking logs, navigating in directories, creating file or installing software. We may use many commands to complete the work, such as ls, mkdir, cd etc.Below are my frequently used Linux commands or programs recently:pwd : print working directory, sometimes I need to check which working directory I am in in order to know where to go next.ls : List current directory files, before I can operate on a directory, I need to know what are in the directory so that I may not delete ...


  Microsoft releases Windows 8 RTM

Microsoft's Windows 8 RTM version now is available for download to MSDN and TechNet subscribers. This RTM version will be the same as the final Windows 8 release version. Windows 8 may be released on 26th October.Microsoft Software Assurance users will be able to get RTM version of the new system on 16th August. Volume License customers without Software Assurance will be able to purchase Windows 8 through Microsoft Volume License Resellers starting from 1st September.. Although this version is available for developers and IT professionals, ordinary consumers have to wait until 26th October.Mic...


  Will Microsoft use Windows 8 to replace Metro?

Since there is some dispute with a German company Metro AG on the word "Metro", it is said that Microsoft will abandon "Metro" in Windows 8. Then what will be the replacement of "Metro"? According to Zdnet, the answer may be Windows 8.Microsoft reminds Windows developers not to use "Metro" when they mention interface of Windows Phone or Windows 8 in their apps and recommends that the developers use New User Interface when they describe Windows 8 style interface design. Microsoft officially announced Windows 8 applications to abandon the word "Metro", "Metro" will just be the code of internal d...

4,344 0       WINDOWS 8 METRO NAME

  Office 2013 RT for Windows RT tablets may rule out macros and VBA

Office 2013 RT is the office suite optimized for Windows RT system running on ARM tablet PC, Microsoft plans to release a preview version later this year. However, according to TheVerge, Microsoft may remove some features in this version of the Office suite.The so-called optimization, certainly require some changes to Office based on ARM tablet architecture. To remove some features may be because of battery life and machine reliability considerations. Macrso, third-party add-ons, and VBA will be ruled out from Office 2013 RT. Some other features may also be removed.A Microsoft spokesman said t...

4,567 0       MACRO OFFICE 2013 WINDOW RT