Chrome to provide native image lazyload support

Previously we have introduced how Medium achieved loading images lazily, basically what they did was using lots of HTML tags and CSSs to change the images at different stage. It needs lots of code to do this. With the high demand of this feature for resource consumption and performance consideration, Chrome is now working on a feature to provide native support for loading images/iframes lazily. This feature is named lazyload.lazyload will allow three values:auto: the default behavior of lazyload attribute is not altered (user agent decides)on: the feature lazyload is turned on which ...


  Crash your Chrome with %%30%30

Have you ever wondered a simple string can crash one of the most sophisticated designed web browsers -- Chrome? There is a finding from Andris Atteka who found that a null string "%%30%30" appended to an URL can crash Chrome. For example, if you have below URL in your browser address bar or you mouse over below URL, Chrome will crash: the browser crashed, it may show :Or on Windows, you will see :This bug has been reported to Google at Issue 533361. And the engineers are still working on fixing this bug....


  Disable foreign language translation in Chrome

When browsing a non-English language(Chinese for example) website when using Chrome, it will offer to translate the page to English every time the page is loaded. To disable the translation for all non-English websites all at once, there is a setting in Chrome you can set.Below are the steps for doing this:1. Go to Settings and scroll down to bottom2. Click the Show advanced settings... link and the advanced settings will be expanded3. Find the section Languages and uncheck the option "Offer to translate pages that aren't in a language you read".Or if you are a web developer and you don't want...


  What do people think about IE?

Browser war among major browsers is continuing for a long time since last century. Just a few years ago, Internet Explorer was the most used web browser. But now the situation is completely different, people are making fun of Internet Explorer and switching to other browsers. Today we share some jokes about Internet Explorer, it's just for fun, so grab a cup of coffee and sit down and enjoy.Hmm, is IE so slow?What gun is it?Hmm, I am still one step behindAnd I am lost.Hey, what is HTML5?I am on my own.Are parents still using this?Am I wrong? Everyone wants to be the default web browser.All ima...

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  8 powerful Chrome extensions

Chrome is a powerful browser, one reason why it's so powerful is that it has abundant extensions. There are various extensions in Chrome Web Store. They can meet all kinds of needs you have and they are very easy to install as well. Here we share with you 8 powerful extensions on Chrome. All of them can be downloaded from Chrome Web StoreHolmesA bookmark search tool, if you have lots of bookmarks and you even don't know where they are. Hplmes can help you find them in real time by matching title and address.LastPassA password management tool. You can store all your password information so that...

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  An ex-Mozilla employee's view about Chrome

Chrome now becomes the most popular web browser on the planet because it provides excellent user experience. As a general user, we think it's fast and easy to use. How about those who develop web browsers? How do they think about Chrome? Abhinav Sharma ,an ex-Mozilla employee and now Facebook employee, shared his opinion about Chrome.Mozilla fights an uphill battle given Google's advertising budget and capacity to have some incredibly good engineers and designers work on Chrome. They also came along later when open source was a lot more prevalent and could get off the ground quicker using WebK...


  Browser market share in June

Recently, the Internet research firm Net Application announced the browser market share report in June, IE's global market share grows to 56.15% in June from 55.99% in May, an increase of 0.16%. However, Firefox drops by 1.48%, its market share is 19.15% in May. Chrome grow by 1.43% to 17.17% in June. Meanwhile, Safari increases by 0.09% to 5.55%, Opera drops 0.19% to 1.58%.For different versions of IE browsers, IE10's global market share is 13.52%, monthly market share increases by 4.26% in June which is faster than the previous two months. In contrast, IE9's market share shrinks 3.68% to 11....


  12 useful Chrome commands

Many useful features of Chrome don't show up on its menus. You can access them through the chrome:// command. In this article we will introduce 12 useful chrome:// commands.1. chrome://flagsIt can be used to turn on or turn off some chrome features.2. chrome://dnsThis command will show the domain name list caught by the browser.3. chrome://downloadsYou can access this through chrome menu as well. The shortcut is Ctrl+J4. chrome://extensionsThis command equals to Menu->Tools->Extensions5. chrome://bookmarksThis equals to Menu->Bookmarks->Bookmark manager. The shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+...

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