When a CA becomes untrustable

Information security has become a vital part of people's life, especially for those people who spend much time online. Tons of data are being transmitted over the internet every second. These data include user ids, passwords, credit card information etc and some of them are sensitive information which needs secure way to transmit. Hence different protocols have been developed including SSL/TLS to encrypt data transmitted over the internet.The core of these security protocols is the certificate used to prove the identity of the server and client, and keys in the certificate will be used to...


  Google CEO Sundar Pichai : Google is open to return to China

At the Code Conference on Wednesday, Google CEO Sundar Pichai expressed his thought on Google's position in China. He expressed the openness of Google to return to China."Google is in China....But Google Search is not there in China...But personally for me, I care about serving users globally in every corner. I always thought Google is for everyone, that applies to China, too. So wherever possible, we want to be in China to serve Chinese users....If we do it in a right and thoughtful way, we are definitely open to it." said Sundar Pichai. He didn't mention when Google could...

3,936 0       GOOGLE CHINA SUNDAR PICHAI CODE CONFERENCE is considered as partially dangerous by Google

Google has a service called Transparency Report which is to examine billions of URLs per day to identify dangerous pages which may trigger downloading of malicious software. When you search a site, it will give the status of the site and also the safety details of the site if there are potential dangerous pages on the site. These details will help the site owners to identify the potential issues and fix them as early as possible,Embarrassingly when searching for, it is considered as a partially dangerous site because some pages contain malicious software. So how Googl...

2,206 0       GOOGLE GOOGLE.COM

  Google will not hold press release in China next week

There is an invitation form spreading around the Chinese internet community which states that Google will hold press release at 1 PM on December 18 (Beijing time). On this press release, Google will announce its return to China and Google China CEO Jony will explain its strategies in China after return.But soon Google China public relation representative said this was a rumor. There is no plan for Google to hold press release next week in China. And there are some apparent suspicious parts apeearing on the invitation form.Google has changed its logo this September, but apparently the logo on t...


  Google Nexus Event Live

Google is going to have new Nexus product release at 12 o'clock 30th September(Beijing time). This new Nexus will ship with the latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow system from Google. Here is the live stream from YouTube.Two Nexus phones are expected to be unveiled tonight. They are from LG and Huawei respectively.. The Nexus 6P is Huawei's first Nexus device and will be available for pre-order on Tuesday in the U.S., U.K., Ireland, Canada and Japan starting at $499.99 and the device features a metal body, ...


  Google is missing in the photo with Chinese president Xi Jinping

Chinese president Xi Jinping has started his formal visit to US on 22nd September. The first stop is Seattle where Microsoft and Amazon headquarters are located. On 23rd September (Wednesday), Xi Jinping attended a forum named "The 8th US-China Internet Industry Forum" in Seattle. On this forum, president Xi expressed the attitude of Chinese government to Internet. He advocated to build an peaceful, secure, open and collaborative Internet environment so that every country can benefit from it. He emphasized that both US and China are two giants of Internet industry, there are many tech gia...


  Crash your Chrome with %%30%30

Have you ever wondered a simple string can crash one of the most sophisticated designed web browsers -- Chrome? There is a finding from Andris Atteka who found that a null string "%%30%30" appended to an URL can crash Chrome. For example, if you have below URL in your browser address bar or you mouse over below URL, Chrome will crash: the browser crashed, it may show :Or on Windows, you will see :This bug has been reported to Google at Issue 533361. And the engineers are still working on fixing this bug....


  Google is returning back to China

It has been five years since Google announced its difficult decision to leave China in 2010. The well known reason was that Google didn't want to conform to China's censorship request on sensitive information. During these five years, many stories happened bbetween these two sides. Things may turn around now as there are a few indications where Google may return back to China at an appropriate time soon.The most convincing indication is that a customized Google play -- Google online shop may appear on some smartphones sold in China. These smartphones will be released later this year in China. ...