AOL is the biggest winner of Internet Stocks in 2012

At the beginning of 2012, not many people would think that the best Internet stock is AOL(American Online) in 2012. But now there are only four trading days left in 2012, AOL leads the mainstream technology companies with a 99.8% increase in its share price and firmly sits on the throne of the Year Internet Stock.AllthingsD chooses ten technology companies and their stock market performance in 2012 to do a comparison and gets the above figure. AOL has a 99.8% increase in share price which is almost twice that of the Amazon(49.4%), almost four times of Apple (28.4%). In addition, two other comp...

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  Mark Zuckerbeg's hacker way

According to TechCrunch, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote codes for the latest mobile IM application : Poke, the tone played when receiving push notifications is from the mouth of Zuckerberg. This approach reflects the way pursued by Zuckerberg : hacker way.As one of the earliest features of Facebook the "Poking" is invented by Zuckerberg, it is not surprising that Zuckerberg involves in Poke's development.Zuckerberg recorded his own voice on the phone initially just for fun. But he was later successfully persuaded to filter the voice and made it notification tone of Poke.The entire developm...


  The new TV rating standard: Nielsen + Twitter

Recently, the market research company Nielsen and Twitter made an agreement to propose an new TV rating standard based on Twitter chats in the U.S television market in the fall of 2013, The new standard is called "Nielsen Twitter TV Rating", it will be the complement of Nielsen's traditional rating standard.Steve Hasker, president of Nielsen Global media advertising says "'Nielsen Twitter TV Rating" is a milestone in the entire television industry, Now not only television producers but also advertisers put some new requirements on us, They hope get more and more comprehensive understanding of ...


  Google will close shopping search service in China

Google vice president of products Sameer Samat posted a news on Google Blackboard, since the service failed to meet the expectations, in order to better optimize resources, Google decided to close the shopping search service in China.In order to better optimize resources, we have decided to close the shopping search service in China. The original intention of the development of this product is to set up a bridge between consumers and retailers and traders. However it did not meet our expectations after the release of this product, we will close this service in China. But our commitment to help...


  When can Chinese buy fresh food online?

Farmigo is an online agricultural marketing platform. Farmers can post their own products, people can directly purchase their favorite ingredients on it. Farmigo promises that fresh ingredients will be sent to the designated location within 48 hours, but the price is 20-30% cheaper than the supermarket.In other words, Farmigo itself does not sell agricultural products, it just plays a platform intermediary role. Their advantages to attract consumers are fresh ingredients supply, home delivery and finally have a price advantage. For the farmers, Farmigo is a good sales channel, the money they c...


  SkyDrive may be banned on App Store

Apple App Store may block Microsoft SkyDrive, because Microsoft is not willing to pay for SkyDrive to be on App Store.According to App Store agreement, 30% income of an app on App Store should be paid to Apple, However, Microsoft said it was difficult for them to accept it.SkyDrive provides users with 7GB of free storage space, after which the user should pay for extra storage space up to 100 GB. Apple insists that 30% of sales of SkyDrive storage space should be paid to Apple, Microsoft thinks users may purchase SkyDrive space via App Store, but the use of this space is not only limited to th...


  Understand how Larry Page leads Google judging by what he says

Larry Page is the head of one of the world's greatest companies : Google. For a long period of time, Page and the other co-founder Sergey Brin managed the company together. In 2001, Eric Schmidt took over the company, became Google's chairman and CEO. Until 2011, Page replaced Schmidt as the company's CEO.Page has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in Google's development. How did he push Google to today's height? Some of his quotations might be able to give the answer to this question.In my opinion, one of the reasons for our success is we didn't intend to start and run a company at the beginn...


  Groupon share price grows by 23% because of Google

There have been rumors that Google will acquire Groupon. This rumor makes Groupon's share price soar 23% in three weeks.Groupon's share price closed at $4.69 yesterday, which is Groupon's highest price since October 19. Since November 2011 IPO, Groupon's share price dropped 77%.Telsey Advisory Group analyst Tom Forte said Groupon's market capitalization shrunk to $3.07 billion, It's possible that Google may choose to acquire Groupon at this time. In fact, after there was news that Google was considering to acquire Groupon with 6 billion US dollar, but Groupon rejected it. "If Google wanted a p...