HTTP Streaming and Internet Explorer

  Michael Carter        2011-09-05 04:05:23       24,605        0    

In early 2006, Alex Russell posted about a neat hack that the Google Talk team in Gmail use to support Comet in Internet Explorer, a trick which works as far back as IE 5.01. What great news! A reliable way to stream Comet messages to Microsoft’s browsers. If only it were that easy.

I have not been alone in the following findings: after connecting the htmlfile ActiveX object as a streaming Comet transport to my Comet server, everything works perfectly for a few messages, but then abruptly fails. The connection is closed by the browser with the server-side error “Connection reset by peer.” Surprisingly, however, no one seems to have looked too deeply into this problem.

On careful inspection, every open implementation or example of this transport out there fails in the same way; indeed, many sites purport to use this transport in their example code, but actually run live demos using some other mechanism. At first this left me feeling stupid: “Why does it work for all these other guys, but not for me?” Then I got smart, sniffed some packets, and looked through their actual JavaScript source. As of this writing, I could find no examples or explanations of how to correctly implement the htmlfile transport.

Finding a Pattern

Comet is complicated. The technical nature of Comet implementations make it very difficult to isolate the server-side code from the browser code. There are so many interactions between so many moving parts that the first step to debugging a new Comet app or transport is to specifically isolate the problem. So when my original htmlfile code failed, I followed these steps:

  1. Time it. I figured that it might be a set timeout, perhaps an idling timeout or a limit on the total time for an open connection. I tried waiting 10 seconds between each event, 1 minute, 3 minutes and 10 minutes. For all but the 10 minute interval I had got the same number of messages. So on to my second plan of attack.
  2. Count messages. I was getting 7 messages before failure.
  3. Increase message payload. Having ascertained that the problem is not a set time, but rather the number of messages, I wondered if it depended on the size of those messages. I switched my app to send “Yo” * 50 instead of just “Yo”. Nothing changed: I could send the same number of messages (7) even with a payload roughly 50 times larger.
  4. Change browser callbacks. Quickly running out of ideas, I tried altering the message payload in other ways. I created a new app which would simply ‘alert’ the data instead of adding it to a styled ‘div’. Behold! The eighth message was successfully received. As was the ninth, and every message up to the 42nd. Strange—and still broken—but encouraging.

Even more mysteriously, I was able to successfully send 50 messages to the browser, each of which contained a JavaScript ‘alert’. These alerts triggered alert dialogs, as expected, but after clicking “ok” 42 times, the “connection reset by peer” error arrived on-cue to my server—even though it had already successfully sent 8 more events than the browser seemed to receive.

I set aside this revelation for the time being. Changing the browser callbacks seemed to affect the behavior, so I tried another simple change—alerting twice. This time, only 25 messages were processed. Strange… I would understand 21 messages of two alerts each being allowed, as I was allowed 42 alerts sent one at a time. But now I’m allowed 50 if I send them two at a time?

I remain puzzled by the exact nature of the limitations of IE’s htmlfile object, but a rough estimate is as follows: You are allowed to make approximately fifty DOM manipulations/accesses before all JavaScript execution is terminated immediately and the streaming connection is closed. These functions aren’t limited to DOM-related activities though. For instance, an alert will count against you. I don’t know the list of functions that don’t count against you and those that do, but I suspect there is probably a simple explanation of how it works. And I very much doubt we’ll ever receive that explanation.

The Fix

We happen to be in luck. Changing JavaScript variables, including Array functions, seems okay as far as the gods of htmlfile streaming are concerned. So our solution is to simply append event payloads to an array from within the iframe, have the parent window use use a timer loop (’setInterval’) to periodically check the array for new messages, and then pass them to the callback. It’s not as elegant as I’d like…but it beats all the other techniques I’ve tried.

Why not just call a function attached the parent window, you wonder? It turns out htmlfile’s iframe doesn’t care where the function object lives; instead, it cares which thread is used to execute the code. The htmlfile thread is a capricious beast, and will rebel when employed to do too much DOM work. The effect of setInterval is to move the actual DOM manipulations to a thread that is perfectly safe for that sort of scripting. This fix works for IE 5.01+


  • If you recall my first debugging technique of changing the time between each event, it failed when I attempted to wait 10 minutes between events. To be specific, if the connection remains open for 300 seconds (5 minutes) without receiving any data, then Internet Explorer will consider the request to have timed out. In IE 5.01 and 5.5 an error dialog is displayed when the connection is broken, but no such error occurs in IE6/7.
  • When I attempted to use alerts in the htmlfile I noted that I was able to send 50 events but the alert only occurred 42 times. The reason is that an alert would block further execution of JavaScript. So if you use a blocking operation inside of the htmlfile, then the server will be able to keep pushing events to the browser, but they may never be executed and there will be no way of knowing server-side. The fix I’ve outlined above solves this problem by never doing any JavaScript besides appending events to an array. The parent window can do as many blocking operations as it wants and its never a problem.


We are left with a robust streaming transport for Internet Explorer 5.01+ which I believe to be production ready. I’d love to know how the Gmail team got around this problem. Perhaps it is as easy as an additional argument when instantiating the htmlfile object. I have no idea because I cannot find proper documentation. I am satisfied with this solution though. It is good enough. It gets the job done and the user sees none of the ugliness under the hood.

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