Multi-master,NoSQL and MySQL

  MARK CALLAGHAN        2011-10-17 11:30:42       2,950        0    

The MySQL family has been innovating rapidly. New features need names and sometimes those names are confusing. Describing something as multi-master or a NoSQL solution has confused me.

Multi-master requires one of conflict prevention, conflict resolution or faith. MySQL Cluster provides both conflict prevention and resolution as described in these great posts. Regular MySQL has minimal support for conflict prevention (auto-increment-offset can prevent insert conflicts) and thus requires faith that the application does the right thing. Regular MySQL gets conflict prevention via synchronous replication when used withGalera.

There has been talk of adding support to replicate from multiple masters into one slave. We have yet to agree on a name for this. It has been called fan-in, multi-source and multi-master. I hope multi-master isn't reused for this.

You can now use HandlerSocket and the memcache API to access MySQL. But taking away SQL doesn't make this a NoSQL solution. And in the case of MySQL Cluster it already has many of the properties of a NoSQL solution, getting the memcache API is just gravy. The new APIs will allow some workloads to get more read throughput from MySQL. They won't do much for write throughput because those bottlenecks are in InnoDB and independent of SQL/NoSQL. Note that the memcache plugin for InnoDB has tuning options that are good for benchmarks but might not be good for production. There are options that reduce the frequency at which transactions are committed and started. These options allow the transaction start and commit bottlenecks to be avoided at the cost of stale reads and async commits -- seedaemon_memcached_r_batch_size and daemon_memcached_w_batch_size.

I don't think the lack of SQL access is what makes many of the NoSQL products compelling. The big thing for me is that they can reduce TCO because you will spend less time managing a DBMS that has these features:
  • no sharding required or sharding and resharding are easy
  • no failover via multi-master or failover is automated
  • much less downtime on schema change or no schema changes required
Eventual consistency is supported by some of the NoSQL products. Given their simpler data models I expect it to be supported by more. This feature is critical for a service with users distributed around the world as response time can be reduced when users access a local database.

Regardless of the API (SQL or NoSQL), regular MySQL doesn't have any of the features listed above. MySQL Cluster already has all of the features listed above. But there is still hope. Tungsten has automated failover, Galera continues to get better, official MySQL can get automated failover once global transaction IDs are supportedSemi-sync replication is supported and I think a few things can be done to make that much more useful for HA systems. There are tools to do online schema changes but I think that is better done in the MySQL server.


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