A few things Steve Jobs hates doing but his successor did

After Apple released a few "amazing/great" products on 9th September, there are tons of discussions about these new products. The impression most people have is that Apple is losing its capability of innovation and doing things that are NOT different anymore. People will bring back the good memories of Apple when Steve Jobs was still alive everytime when they feel disappointed about the new products Apple released.In this event, Apple released some products which Steve Jobs was hating including the stylus/Apple Pencil. In this post, we will cover a few things which Steve Jobs hated but his suc...


  LESS/SASS/Stylus development tools summary

LESS,SASS and Stylus are more and more popular among developers. More and more people are using these three tools now. Here we introduce some development and testing tools which can make our development process simpler.SublimeTextMany front-end developers are now using Sublime Text 2 as their main text editor, there are many plugins in Sublime Text as well. We can use Ctrl+Shift+P –> install package to search relative plugins.Less SublimeLess build SublimeLess2cssLess snippetsSublime text haml sassSASS-Build-SublimeText2StylusEmmet--Integrated with less、sass、scss etc,...

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