We can see QR codes in many places now. It's an easy way to store information and it’s a physical link between what is offline to what is online. It can be read easily with a phone which has an application capable of scanning QR code. Furthermore, it is easy to be created without much cost and it can be used in many cases. So what can it be used for?...

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Now how many people are still going to bookstore to buy books? How many people are still reading paper book? In mobile network era, we need to use less and less papers, we now record, share and receive information through digital devices. It seems we will not need paper anymore in the future. Is this a good thing for us? If we save data on the network instead of recording them on real paper, then after 200 years, if we delete all the data stored, how do people know lives about us now? What will ...

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Believe many people encounter the problem how to balance your work and family? This really is a hard to have both fish and bear's paw, requires considerable commitment and ongoing communication can be a good solution. Coordination of family and work require both spouses to have a good tacit understanding. How do you balance your work and family?...

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Every time when we open Twitter using web browser, we may see a different homepage background picture. Sometimes it's a night view of a city, sometimes it's a picture about some baseball players. How does Twitter determine which picture to show at a particular time? Any logic behind this? Or it's just a random algorithm?...

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Weekends are time for relax, for meeting friends and for enjoying life. But as an IT engineer, we often need to overtime due to requirements of different projects. There may be application release scheduled during weekends frequently since this will bring less business impact.What are your main activities during the weekends? What do you like to do during weekends? ...

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Singles Day, an unofficial holiday in China, first celebrated in Chinese universities to commemorate the single life. It is usually celebrated on November 11th every year. Because each 1 in 1111 just looks like a single person. In China, this day is special for those who are still singles. But does this day have any relationship with e-commerce site promotion? Why do e-commerce sites have big discount for their products in this day? Is this just an excuse for them to attract customers?...

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Nowadays, one maintenance job of website and blogs is to delete spam comments. They are mostly some advertisement which are not related to your website or blog content. It's annoying that we need to delete them again and again. We know that there are some third party spam comment filer can be used. But we just want to know what do you use to filter spam comment or you just don't care about them? We want to hear about your story....

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Patents threaten every software developer, and the patent wars we have long feared have broken out. Software developers and software users – which in our society, is most people – need software to be free of patents. We don't want to face the situation when someday some company comes to you and say that your software uses their patent. Should we limit the effect of software patents? ...

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