AngularJS has become one of the most popular frameworks for web designers. It is created by Google and provides the MVC style design for the front end. It eases the work of binding the form data with the JavaScript objects and thereafter binding of backend. Since it introduces many new concepts such as directives, controllers etc, it introduces a deep learning curve for many developers. What do you like or dislike about AngularJS? Should the HTML be designed like AngularJS at the beginning?...

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Mozilla has released a video conversation tool called Firefox Hello. This tool is integrated into Firefox and is based on WebRTC. It doesn't require any installation of third party software. At the moment only Firefox can be used to start a conversation, but any browser which supports WebRTC can join the conversation. What do you think the purpose of introducing Firefox Hello? Where can this be used most frequently? About this project : https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/hello/...

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There are plenty of social network products around us. Some IM products like Whatsapp,WeChat,Vine etc, some social network websites like Facebook, Twitter, Quora etc. We have installed some or all of them on our phones. These apps or websites help us stay connected with our friends and families. But do we need so many apps? We spend much time on online socialization.Is socialization over stated?...

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On this year's WWDC, Apple announced a new iOS-iOS 7. One important new change of this OS is that it adopts flat design for all its application icons. Also, Yahoo recently released a new framework named Pure which helps developers do flat design easily. Flat design seems to be a trend now. Do you have anything to say about the flat design? Why is it so popular? Will we be tired of it in sometime?...

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On page 88 of ECMAScript 262 standard, there is one statement which says "A variable with an Initialiser is assigned the value of its AssignmentExpression when the VariableStatement is executed, not when the variable is created." What does this mean? When will the VariableStatement be executed? Will it not be executed whenever an AssignmentStatement is assigned to it?...

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Google announced the new rendering engine Blink. Following that Opera says they will follow Google to use Blink. Now the market share of Chrome is around 40%. Blink is another branch of WebKit. Will it dominate the browser market in the future? What expectations do you have on Blink? ...

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In China, people are escaping from Renren which is China's Facebook. Nowadays people are logging into Renren less frequently. This can be seen from many places, my friends and I are not using it so frequently, people only share others content, they rarely write their own stories. Also its ranking is dropping. We are not sure about whether this is happening to Facebook as well. Are you still using Facebook everyday? If not, why? Why do you think people are escaping from them?...

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JavaScript is a loosely typed scripting languages. It has objects which contains name value pairs. While in JavaScript, Array is also an Object, we can use instanceof to check the type of an object. But if there are many frames in a page, if the object is created from a frame which is not at the same global scope as window object, instanceof will not work since Array is a property of window. So how can we determine whether an object is an array or not in JavaScript?...

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