Google says on its official blog that they will shut down Google Reader on 1st July, 2013. The reason is because its utilization is declining. Do you think this reason is convincible? How do you think about Google shuts down Google Reader? What are the alternatives for Google Reader?...

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Patents threaten every software developer, and the patent wars we have long feared have broken out. Software developers and software users – which in our society, is most people – need software to be free of patents. We don't want to face the situation when someday some company comes to you and say that your software uses their patent. Should we limit the effect of software patents? ...

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Many tech companies embrace Open Source, such as Oracle and Microsoft. But at the same time, many people are suspicious of open source. They take the Android and iOS as examples. Android is open sourced while iOS is closed sourced, there are many virus, trojans and malicious programs on Android and almost all mobile developers who earn money are based on iOS. They think the platform which can make devellopers make money will be the final winner. What's your opinion? Will open source lose to clos...

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