10 years ago, social network was dominated by Friendster with 3 million users, Microsoft's IE had 95% market share, the total number of Internet users were less than 600 million(Less than number of users of Facebook now). 10 Years, 3652 days, 87648 hours, the whole Internet market has turned into another world. What do you still remember about the Internet 10 years ago? What were you playing on the Internet? What websites did you visit most?...

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In our day to day work. We may have many chances working on Linux/Unix systems. There are many things we may need to do, checking logs, navigating in directories, creating file or installing software. We may use many commands to complete the work, such as ls, mkdir, cd etc. What are your frequently used Linux commands in your daily work? ...

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There are always conflicts between developers and designers. The differences between the two sides of program development seem to often be at odds, even though we all know both team members are important to creating effective applications. Designers fume at seeing their designs implemented different from how they were originally laid out. Programmers gripe that designers nitpick over silly design issues. Why can't developers get along well with designers? What can we do to solve these conflicts?...

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One of the most interesting trends in startup land is the rise of the "acqui-hire," which is when a big company buys a smaller company just to get its employees.Google and Facebook are these kind of companies, they like acquiring talents but not of the company or products. Why So Many Startups Are Being Acqui-Hired? Why tech companies buy the cow, even though they can get the milk for free?...

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Each company has its own unique culture. Company culture is very important to a company's success, its the name card of a company, it represents the characteristic of the company, it also represents the characteristic of employees of the company. Many people choose one company because they are attracted by culture of the company. What's the culture of your company? Which company's culture do you the most? ...

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After three weeks as Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer takes some important measures to recover Yahoo, including retaining internal talent by providing free lunch, inviting Googlers to strengthen Yahoo's engineer teams and making changes in the capital structure. It seems the dawn of Yahoo's recovery appears. But many people still think only time can prove the success of these measure. What do you think about this? Will these measures be successful?...

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Qt team is to be transferred from Nokia to Digia. This means that Qt team can continue to work on Qt instead of being fired by Nokia. Qt is developed by an open source project, the Qt Project, involving developers as individuals and from firms working to advance Qt, such as Nokia, Digia, and others.Although Qt now is an open source project, Nokia has a Qt development team which contribute much on Qt. Do you think that Qt will be better after the transfer? ...

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Digg has redesigned its website recently. The new design is quite different from the previous design. From the news layout, log in to link submit. It seems everything on Digg has been changed. To be honest, I am lost in the new Digg, I cannot find what's going on with my new submissions, I don't know where the link categories go. What's your feeling about the new Digg? Do you like it? ...

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