It's a controversial question whether web designers need programming knowledge. Usually, after finishing the web design, all the remaining work are left to programmers. This phenomenon is not only appearing in web development industry, it also appears in software and game development industry. What if designers also know how to program?...

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Pinterest now is the 3rd largest social network website in US. It still has a fast growth speed and it will definitely be a big competitor to other social companies such as Facebook and Google. Recently, some source says that eBay has interest in Pinterest. Do you think who should and may acquire Pinterest or will it grow to be a big power by itself?...

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Recently Yahoo launched its own browser Yahoo Axis. It aims to be a faster and smarter search browser. In addition, some source says that Facebook is going to acquire Opera. It will also go into web browser market. So do you think a new round of web browser war will begin among Google,Microsoft,Mozzila,Facebook and Yahoo and some others?...

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Oracle Corp. had accused Google Inc. of patent and copyright infringement. Much of the dispute is over Google's Android, the mobile operating system that now powers more than 300 million smartphones and tablet computers.San Francisco court has made a final decision that Google didn't violate Oracle's Java patent.One spokesman of Google said today that the victory of the lawsuit is not only the victory of Google,but also the victory of the entire Android ecosystem....

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The next version of HTML, HTML5 is bringing big change in software development, web and mobile apps development. It can be used to develop all kinds of apps, not restricted on HTML pages. It is also portable, this can largely reduce the development cost. It seems that HTML5 will be the king of future. What's your opinion?...

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Now we can find many JavaScript frameworks on both client and server side such as jQuery,Node.js. Many of them utilize JavaScript's OOP feature to create powerful functions. JavaScript's OOP feature is not the same as Java and C# which are class based. And for some people, JavaScript's OOP feature is a bit hard to understand. We know, JavaScript was first used to enhance user interfaces and do form validations. I wonder whether the designers of JavaScript considered its OOP feature is so widely ...

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Facebook will be on Nasdaq today. Facebook's IPO will raise $16 billion, making it the largest tech IPO in history. It's the third largest U.S. IPO ever. But many people think it's overvalued. What is your opinion?...

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