People are saying that the person who is working is the most handsome one. It's true. As a programmer, frequently you need to focus and sit in front of your computer for a few hours to solve one problem. We may forget everything around us when we dig into the program. But different people may have different feelings when they focus on programming. So please share with us your feelings....

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In this year's Apple WWDC, Apple released its new programming language which is to replace Objective-C -- Swift. This language is intended to ease developer's work. Unlike other languages, Swift got lots of public attention since its release, even some media which are not focusing on technology put some comments about it. Do you think why Swift gets so much public attention? How do you think about Swift?...

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Up to date there is No single street name for a top programmer or computer scientist in any of the Top 20 most developed countries in the world during the last 60 years.There is no statue built in the center of a major city for a renown programmer or computer scientists.No “Presidential Medal” or “Congressional Gold Medal” has been awarded to a computer scientists or programmer.There is no nationally televised social reward ceremony for computer programmers and scientists...

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Different programming are similar in helping people build staff work as people want them to. But they all have their own features which differentiate them from other programming languages. The language type may be different, for example Java is OOP, some may have different syntax. A programming motto usually can best describe the characteristic of the programming language. For example, "Write once Run everywhere" for Java.Do you know any other programming language motto?...

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Google’s director of engineering Ray Kurzweil recently claimed that by 2029 computers would be able to understand our language, learn from experience and outsmart even the most intelligent humans. We could see many these scene in movies that smart robot which can do many things humans can do. Do you believe that one day computers will be smarter than humans who create them? What will it happen if computers are smarter than humans?...

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The term full stack developer becomes popular since Facebook said they would like to hire full stack developers for their work. Full stack developers are developers who can do all layers of development including back end data model, business logic and front end user interface etc. This can avoid the communication problems among different developers. But this puts stringent requirements on the skills of a developer, also a full stack developer may not master all technologies which in some cases m...

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Since Steve Ballmer announced his retirement plan last year, the discussion on the new CEO candidate has been around the Internet. But until now, the new CEO is still not finalized. Let's take a guess whether Microsoft share price will soar or drop when the new CEO is selected? Where will Microsoft head to under the management of the new CEO? Whom do you prefer to be the new CEO?...

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IBM has over 100 year's history and it faced many tough challenges along the way but every time it came back successfully. This time its revenue dropped 6 quarters consecutively, with the popularity of cloud computing and big data, IBM seems lag behind and is heavily hit by the storm. Its current technologies are only suitable for serving traditional companies 15 years ago but not companies now. Can IBM go though this challenge and come back again? What suggestions do you have for IBM?...

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