US National Security Agency has been conducting domestic information surveillance activities. It has collected tens of millions of American's information. This time the exposure of "PRISM" incident makes us think about privacy. In big data era, is every one transparent? How do we protect our privacy? Can we trust the government?...

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Facebook sent a mail to some media about a press event to be held on 20 June. But they don't mention about what the press event is about. After that, some news says it may be about one Facebook RSS reader which is to replace Google Reader; one other saying is that Instagram may launch short video sharing function. What surprise will Facebook bring us? Which product do you prefer? RSS reader or short video sharing? Or other product?...

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On this year's WWDC, Apple announced a new iOS-iOS 7. One important new change of this OS is that it adopts flat design for all its application icons. Also, Yahoo recently released a new framework named Pure which helps developers do flat design easily. Flat design seems to be a trend now. Do you have anything to say about the flat design? Why is it so popular? Will we be tired of it in sometime?...

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On page 88 of ECMAScript 262 standard, there is one statement which says "A variable with an Initialiser is assigned the value of its AssignmentExpression when the VariableStatement is executed, not when the variable is created." What does this mean? When will the VariableStatement be executed? Will it not be executed whenever an AssignmentStatement is assigned to it?...

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Alibaba makes a strategic investment on Sina Weibo, the two sides will jointly explore the power of social and mobile e-commerce. When the largest social media platform and largest electronic business platform in China meets together, there is a big space for imagination. Weibo is a social media platform, the future can become a social business platform, that is a real ecosystem. What do you think about this? Are you looking good about the investment of Alibaba on Sina Weibo?...

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Google announced the new rendering engine Blink. Following that Opera says they will follow Google to use Blink. Now the market share of Chrome is around 40%. Blink is another branch of WebKit. Will it dominate the browser market in the future? What expectations do you have on Blink? ...

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There are many successful examples of great products such as Instagram. Many of them only have a few people in their team. A small team is flexible, high efficient. But do we really need a small team to build great product? Is the team size matter? What do you think is most important to build a great product?...

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Some people think the greater of female influence in the company,the greater the chance of success of the company. Because women are more willing to seek the views of others in decision-making, they will give more consideration to the interests of all parties concerned and decisions made fairer.Do you agree with this? Do we need to hire more female managers?...

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