Nokia announces the death of Symbian. Before the advent of Apple iPhone and Android, Symbian was the world's largest smartphone OS. You may have a smartphone equipped with Symbian, you may love it or hate it. What do you want to say to Symbian? You can share with us your memory or story about Nokia Symbian. ...

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JavaScript is a loosely typed scripting languages. It has objects which contains name value pairs. While in JavaScript, Array is also an Object, we can use instanceof to check the type of an object. But if there are many frames in a page, if the object is created from a frame which is not at the same global scope as window object, instanceof will not work since Array is a property of window. So how can we determine whether an object is an array or not in JavaScript?...

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In financial industry, many people get very high pay, they are playing games with money. While those real engineer who build real things such as bridges are paid much lower than those financial engineer? Why? Why should a financial engineer get paid much higher than a real engineer? ...

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Now when people buy PCs, the pre-installed operating system will be Windows. Microsoft cooperate with these PC manufacturers to install Windows on these PCs. But what if Google gets out of the web browser and release a desktop version of Android. Will it be a nightmare to Microsoft? Android has proved its success on mobile end. If they do release a desktop version, it may also attract many users and it's free, this will largely threatens Microsoft's core value. What will Microsoft do?...

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There are some news that Apple will release a revolutionary product--iWatch. On the iWatch, there will be some apps which we will use frequently. Will it be a product which will change the world?...

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Bruce Fell, Lecturer, School of Communication and Creative Industries at Charles Sturt University, wrote an article which said the technology might make us scared of silence. Nowadays, many people will have some music players with them when they are walking, studying or even sleeping. It seems we will feel uncomfortable if we don't hear some background noise while we are doing something. Is this related to technology development? Has technology made us scared of silence? You can read more about ...

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In 2012, we saw the release of iPhone 5, we saw the Windows 8 come to our life, many new products are changing our life. In 2013, what will be the trend of technology evolution? What new products will Apple, Microsoft, Google...bring us?...

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It's being the end of 2012 which is said to be the end of the world. But we survived. With a new year coming, you must have much to share about what you have achieved in 2012, also you may want to achieve much more in 2013. So What are your achievements in 2012 and what are your expectations in 2013?...

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